
The web site

I have been working on building the web site for the new company. So far so good, but I find I have more trouble with the content compared to the actual functionality. I wish I was more creative and had the skills and experience of a graphic artist combined with the skills of a wordsmith or author. I know what I want to say, but have trouble saying it.

I will be posting the URL in the next couple of days. So far, I established the Domain Name, set up email, installed the servers, worked through network issues at Qwest, installed the various third-party software packages and assorted stuff for web site development. So far, so good. After I post the URL, I want feedback. I want people to give me good feedback about the site and ways I can enhance it. It is something I cannot do on my own because I'm just not wired that way.

On this blog, Keri finds and corrects my spelling, grammar, content, etc. When I post the blog content, I think it is good to go, but she always finds things I miss. I pretend it makes me mad, but I really just appreciate she has the eye for those details. The same will apply to the web site. I need as many eyes on it before I go live to make sure the site works for people, makes sense, doesn’t have glaring errors, etc.

On another note, the site is actually up and running (but I'm not telling you the URL)... Goggle has even found it and made a quick pass at an index. I'm sure after tonight the Google index will be out-of-date, but it is starting me to think a bit about SEO and how businesses need to keep on top of search engines and the way to best present information. I will reserve this as a new post in the future, but I like the idea at least one of the engines has found the site already!

Back to work....



  1. Dude! Looks awesome (and only took me three attempts to track it down on the web). Seriously, it looks great.

    And when did you learn latin?

    Nice job!

  2. Well, I learn that in my spare time.
